Monday, January 31, 2011


The Facebook Setting You Should Change as Quickly as Possible

"Facebook finally provided a way to keep any random jerk in the café from hijacking your account. But you have to go out of your way to enable this protection, and you might have to wait. Still: Jump on this."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Facebook's Instant Personalization Goes into Effect this Week


Help! I'm Addicted to Facebook

by Tara Stiles

"Pretty much everyone I know has a Facebook account. I use it for emailing, messaging, sharing pictures, and more. That sounds pretty reasonable, right? Well, Facebook has a way of creeping from something useful into a major contributor to carpal tunnel, burning eyes, procrastination, and mindless clicking. "


Friday, January 21, 2011

How to Defeat a Facebook Addiction:: The Official Wiki

If you haven't seen the official Wiki on How to Defeat a Facebook Addiction then you should check it out. Although it doesn't preach the full blown ::Life without Facebook:: philosophy that we believe in, it can help you identify if you have a problem and provide some useful advice. Check it out

>>>>> HERE <<<<<

30 Harrowing Days in Rehab for Facebook

Written by: Gladstone

"For some time, I've wanted to write about Facebook addiction. Something that synthesized the growing psychological literature on this phenomenon and presented it in an amusing fashion. Unfortunately, after a fair amount of reading on the subject, I could only find one sentiment worthy of repeating here:

Facebook makes you feel like you’re doing something while doing nothing and, yet, in its own way, makes you too tired thereafter to actually do something. It’s a lot like filling out a petition."


Pssst ... remember its from

"Facebook Quit Day" by Sunil Ramsamooj

A Discussion With It's Creator

"In the past several weeks, Facebook has come under fire after widely publicizing changes in privacy settings. With over 400 million users in its grasp and the Internet seemingly bowing down to its every need, this negative publicity must be making Facebook a little uncomfortable, and it’s just getting worse. In April, New York Senator Chuck Schumer asked the Federal Trade Commission to check out the privacy guidelines of Facebook. There are now a growing number of users who are leaving Facebook for good. So far 1,605 people have signed up for Facebook Quit Day on May 31st. Here I interview Matthew Milan, one of the creators of the group. He currently runs his own company that specializes in the strategic side of interaction design for the web and devices."


Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Curtail Facebook Addiction During Work Hours" by BRIDGET CAREY

"So at what point does one need to check into Facebook rehab? Ask yourself how much of your workday is being taken up by constantly checking the site. And how much value does it add to your day by constantly commenting to people you’re not close with?"

Read more:

"How Facebook is used for Human Trafficking in Indonesia" by Willis Wee

"Facebook can be used for social causes, connecting with friends or even market a product virally. But in Indonesia, Facebook is used as a channel for human trafficking.

Chief of Crime and Investigation, Toni Surya Saputra, said that based on the suspect’s confession, all victims are put to the market through Facebook."


" Less than Satisfactory Security Measures Leaves Facebook Users Miffed" by Bonnie

"Facebook has come under intense scrutiny lately, for having less than satisfactory security measures for its users. The security company Sophos explains that many of the unmonitored Facebook apps are endangering the sites many users."


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Julian Assange Vs. Mark Zukerberg

“What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? I give private information on corporations to you for free, and I’m a villain. Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he’s Man of the Year.” – Julian Assange

Technorati Tags: wikileaks, julian assange, mark zuckerberg, transparency, information, power, facebook, social media, man of the year, quote

Check out the Original Post:

Facebook in Privacy U-turn by John Lister

"When Facebook changed its rules to allow app developers access to users’ home addresses and cellphone numbers, a few cynical types suggested the company was just trying to see how far it could push things before people kicked up a stick. If that’s the case, mission accomplished: the site has put the policy on hold after just three days."


Sunday, January 16, 2011

"He quit Facebook for 31 days. Could you?" By Donald Munro

"Once you get jogging on the treadmill of social media these days, it can be hard to know when to slow down -- or even how to get off. I'm intrigued today by the story of Beehive reader Barry Falke (he's president/CEO of Rotary Storyland & Playland in Roeding Park), who vowed in December to go cold turkey on Facebook and other such time suckers for a month"


"Rogue Facebook apps can now access your home address and mobile phone number" by Graham Cluley

" In a move that could herald a new level of danger for Facebook users, third party application developers are now able to access your home address and mobile phone number.

Facebook has announced that developers of Facebook apps can now gather the personal contact information from their users."

...Read More

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Life After Twitter and Facebook" by Dragos

"You know those apocalyptic strategy games, where a huge catastrophe strikes Earth? And everything is dark and sad, you don’t have any resources left and you gotta make it by yourself? Well, let’s imagine that for a second. But instead of all the Earth being hit, let’s pretend that only two major things are hit: Twitter and Facebook. Lets try to imagine our life after the sad end of Twitter and Facebook."

... Read More

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Who Owns Facebook" by Eric Calouro

... Read More

"More Reasons why you should still Quit Facebook" by Dan Yoder

"The response to the Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook was huge, although not without objections or doubts. Here are the some definitive answers from Dan Yoder that you should share on your Facebook walls...before disabling your account.

It's no exaggeration to say I've been overwhelmed by the response to my post on why you should quit Facebook.

To those of you who shared your stories about leaving, or took the time to clarify some of the reasons for doing so, thank you. Apparently, I was hardly alone in making the decision to quit, or at least seriously considering it. It has been nothing short of inspiring to read your comments and realize how many of you cared enough to take action, whether it was actually deleting your account or simply taking the time to share your thoughts.

I thought I'd try to respond to some of the more common objections:"

...Read More

"The Top Ten Reasons you should Quit Facebook" by Dan Yoder

"After some reflection, I’ve decided to delete my account on Facebook. I’d like to encourage you to do the same. This is part altruism and part selfish. The altruism part is that I think Facebook, as a company, is unethical. The selfish part is that I’d like my own social network to migrate away from Facebook so that I’m not missing anything. In any event, here’s my “Top Ten” reasons for why you should join me and many others and delete your account."

...Read More

"Why I don't Use Facebook" by John C. Dvorak

"Facebook is basically AOL with a different layout and all the same retro problems..." ... Read More

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Facebook Fasting (30 Day Challenge)

Globalization, through the invention of the Internet, has led to the rapid sharing of information, seamlessly and instantly through social media websites such as Facebook, myspace, twitter, digg, etc. This has led us to a age I refer to as "The Age of Inter-Connection."

Yet what seems to be occurring is that people are trading their Offline lives, for their on-line lives, and cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. We should never trade our real lives, and our real selves, for subverted version of ourselves. We must experience the whole of reality; its ups and its downs; its problems and its solutions; deep dark moments of solitude and bright moments of glory; and understand that this life is ours, to meet, to laugh, to play, to dance, to raise money for good causes, to cause a change, to be the change, to change together and learn to understand our differences. We can do some of this Online, but if anything meaningful is to come out of this Online community, there must be Offline efforts made.

What is a Facebook Fast?

It simply means that I consider Facebook to be a hindrance upon my life, more than it is an aid. Because it is a hindrance and I have a compelling drive to bide my time using its Services, I would like to abstain from its use, in any form, for a period of 30 days to Forever.

Why Am I Doing This?

If something is a hindrance to your life it is because your ignorantly crave it. In order to rid myself of all ignorant cravings.

Everything is impermanent, and in this impermance all that exist is in this moment. It is The NOW that we so waste away, the minutes that we lose in constant brooding over past events, and the negativity that we let into our personal sphere of influence. It is the NOW that we waste clicking away on other's Facebook profiles intruding upon their lives.

What Am I going to do Now?

Now I am going to live. To live my life in such a way that every moment I spend doing something, it is something meaningful, something that I am doing for others, and if it is for myself, that I do it for all the right reasons, with others in mind. My goal is to live my life to the best of my ability every single day; within every single moment and second that passes by until the very die I die. This too shall pass.

My physical body will rot away and decay, ending up 6 feet deep, or may burnt to ashes, or maybe at the bottom of the deepest seas. I do not know when or how I will die, but it is the only certain this in life. One day your death will come and life will continue with or without you, for the truth of death is never truly certain. It is a sort of limited truth, because the only truth that exist when pondering what happens after death is "i don't know." This is certain. You do not really know, neither do I, neither does the Pope, or the Dalai Lama, neither do any religious figures that have ever existed. To believe in something by faith is the power to believe something regardless of any existent evidence. To believe by faith is a powerful thing. In the end, you are either right or wrong; but life goes on, with or without you or your heaven, or your earth, or your rebirth, or your hell.

We may never know. But what I do know is that if we live our lives to the best of our abilities death becomes not a topic that we delve too deeply in, but rather the topic of life.

How are you living your life right now?

You may say that you want to change. that you want to lose 35 pounds by the end of the year. That you want to get a book deal and write a novel. that you want to learn how to draw and paint and learn to decorate so you can change your profession to that of an interior designer. What are you doing right now to help you? You're reading this, and it's a good start, but what about after you stop reading this text. What will be your next course of action? Probably check your email, maybe go on Facebook, or maybe you'll tweet away, and your life passes you by once again, and you ask yourself "where did the time go?"

Where did the time go? And where it is going to go after your eyes leave this blog post? What is going to be your next course of action. You are the captain of your ship, the master of your soul, the author of your novel, you are the Atman or, the self. Will your next decision be to sail upon the shimmering seas and discover undiscovered territory, or will it be to inflate your ego, and cause storms to devour your ship whole.

Be Strong, Disconnect!

Chrome Extension: Facebook Disconnect

Facebook Disconnect is a Google Chrome (or Chromium if you're using Linux) Extension that prevents Facebook, & other popular social networking sites, from tracking your online moves.

Everytime you visit a partner website of facebook using Facebook Connect your personal information is released and in many instances leaked. Third Parties are able to see your info and your browsing history. Turn the tracking off!

This extension stops Facebook from tracking you, but still allows you access to the website. This is for those who are still hooked on the site, but want more privacy and are concerned about their web safety.

Be Strong, Disconnect!

Firefox Extension: Block Facebook From Your Life

Life of a Java Disciple has provided us with a Firefox Extension that not only blocks the website, but also stops Facebook Connect from tracking your online history and leaking your personal information to Facebook and its Third Party affiliates. Facebook is on a path to take over the Internet, and they're doing it one website, and one person, at a time.

Be strong, Disconnect!