Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to Permanently Delete Your Facebook

So after years of "stalking" all your friends, family and acquaintances I'm happy to see that you're ready to take the plunge and Permanently Delete Your Facebook.   Note that once you do decide to to cut off the "shackle and chains" that is "Facebook" to you, there is no return.  Albeit, at first you will feel weird.  Strange.  Maybe even a bit anxious.  That feeling you will get is called ... freedom.

Freedom from the constant time wasting and hassle of feeling like you "need" to update your virtual life every other second.  Freedom from others having any expectations of you "adding them on Facebook".  Freedom from the random messages from long lost "friends" that all of a sudden want to know everything about you and then some.   There are deeper ways to "connect" with people that don't involve all of the rigmarole.  What you do with this new found time and freedom is completely up to you.

Explore your interests in the real world. When you're with friends, actually "be" with your friends; not on facebook. Join a Meetup in your city.   Paint, Write, Workout, Read, maybe even start a PT business.  Really.  The world is your Oyster.  Do with it as much as you can, while you can.

All it takes is the first step forward and then the pieces will fall into place.

So the first step in removing and deleting your Facebook Permanently is to Want to Live your Life in the Real World.  

And the Second step is to Contact Facebook Directly and tell them you want them to Permanently Delete your  Facebook account.   

And the Third step is to Take a Deep Breath and Rejoice for better days await you.

Congratulations you have successfully, Permanently Deleted Your Facebook Account!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Set Positive Goals Rather Than Negative Ones

Overcoming a Facebook addiction is a long and tedious path, where patience and self control become a central part of our core being.  Many people are afflicted by numerous addictions that range from Caffeine to cigarettes, Alcohol to Marijuana, Television usage to video gaming, etc.  and truly do want to quit or use in moderation.  Yet they just can't bring themselves to commit to a negative goal.

You see, as human beings we respond to different words in different ways without even really knowing why.   So if one sets a goal of "Not Going on Facebook for a Day", while the act itself may be very positive (as it is the desire of the speaker), our mind will associate the goal with a command rather than an act of free will.   We don't like to be restrained.  A better way to set the same goal would be to simply change it to something like "Suspend my Facebook account for one day" or "Spend time bettering myself online for one day".  Sometimes the best way to accomplish a goal, is with another goal.

When I was younger, I didn't quite know how to set goals or even less on how to go about achieving them.  But now, as the years keep floating by, I've come to understand a bit more about life.  Long term goals are accomplished by short term goals, which are then accomplished by monthly, weekly, and daily goals.   Daily goals?  Yes, really.  Set 1 goal for yourself today, don't make it small, because this isn't homework.  Its your life.   What do you want out of it, other than going on facebook?

Ok.  Good.   Now do it.  What 1 thing can you do today that will bring you closer to accomplishing that goal?  Ah I see.  Great.  Now do it.  Do you not believe that you can do it?  that your situation is so bad that you cannot change it?  I see.  You're not a dog, so no one is going to throw you a bone.  Such is life.  But in the midst of despair is where hope is born. Your action.   Your 1 action will change your life.  Just do it everyday without fail.  Heck... increase it to 2.  then 3. then 4. and before you know it you will come to realize that ...  life is really how you take it.  And how you take it will determine how you make it.  Just remember.  1 day at a time is best.
